Why is it important to pay your technicians and producers their quoted rates and give appropriate credit wherever possible?

Paying and crediting your videographers and production people is not only ethical but also beneficial for you and your business in several ways:

  1. Respect and Recognition: Paying your videographers and production team fairly shows respect for their skills, time, and effort. It acknowledges the value they bring to your project and the industry as a whole.

  2. Quality Work: Fair compensation attracts skilled professionals who are motivated to deliver high-quality work. When people feel valued and fairly compensated, they are more likely to put in their best effort, resulting in better outcomes for your project.

  3. Building Relationships: Treating your team well fosters positive relationships and encourages them to work with you again in the future. Continuity and familiarity with your team can streamline future projects and lead to smoother collaborations.

  4. Reputation: Crediting your videographers and production team publicly acknowledges their contribution and talent. This builds their reputation within the industry and can lead to more opportunities for them. Additionally, it reflects positively on your business, showing that you value collaboration and give credit where it's due.

  5. Legal and Ethical Obligations: In many jurisdictions, there may be legal requirements to properly compensate and credit individuals for their work. Failure to do so could result in legal consequences and damage your reputation.

  6. Morale and Motivation: Fair compensation and recognition boost morale and motivation among your team members. When people feel appreciated and fairly treated, they are more likely to go above and beyond to meet your expectations.

Overall, paying and crediting your videographers and production people isn't just about fulfilling a moral obligation; it's also a smart business practice that can lead to better outcomes, stronger relationships, and a positive reputation in the industry.

Dave Jamrog

Drums  • Audio  • Video • Education